Simple Tips On How To Make The Most Of Your IPhone

Many people consider owning an iPhone a curse. There is so much an iPhone can do. There are so many features built in and you can get even more from apps. Keep reading to learn about the precise applications and tools that will make your experience the best it can be.

You won’t need to worry about ending up on the wrong road with the iPhone. There is a maps app that is built into the phone, which makes it much easier to for you to always know where you are. This app is also great for letting you simply find your way to your home, or to someplace that you are traveling to.

When travelling through the web using the iPhone, you never have to worry about including the “.com” after the web address. Entering in the title of the site is sufficient. It might seem like a small feature, though if you use the internet a lot on your phone, this will save a significant amount of time and battery usage.

If you are browsing in Safari, you have the ability to make a phone call with a simple tap. Suppose you are searching for a dry cleaner that is close by. When locating the number, you don’t have to use the phone component to call them. Simply tap the number you see on the screen and instantly it dials the business you are trying to connect to.

When in Safari, you can easily make phone calls with just one tap. If you are searching for a dry cleaner, you can simply click the number. When you locate the phone number of the cleaners, you don’t need to switch over to the phone component of your iPhone. Instead, simply press your finger onto the number you want to call and you’ll be connected instantly.

You can program words and shortcuts with your iPhone. If you dictate to the iPhone, it can learn how you speak and predict what you will say next. Moreover, you can program shortcuts for typing phrases you use often. The keyboard also has autocorrect when typing words and phrases.

Hopefully after reading this article, you are much more aware of all the amazing tricks the iPhone can perform. As you become comfortable with these features, you can continue to learn more about your device. Use what you have discovered here to amaze your friends with all that the iPhone can do.

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